1st open call for
Grant period
may-september 2024
What is STSM?
A Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) consists of a visit to a host organization located in a country different from the country of affiliation by a researcher or innovator for a specific work to be carried out and for a determined period. The aim is to strengthen the existing networks and foster collaborations with other institutions.
The STSM in THE GREAT LEAP Cost Action CA22116 intends to contribute to the scientific objectives and deliverables of the COST action while providing mission participants with the opportunity to establish long-term collaborations with an international team and gain new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution/organisation.
Who can apply?
These opportunities are open to all members of The Great Leap Cost Action CA22116 (students, professors, and/or researchers).
Eligibility for the STSMs and a reimbursement scheme are described in the Annotated Rules for COST Actions (section 6.4.)
The STSM applicant can be any person affiliated with a elgal entity located in a COST Full or Cooperating Member or a Near Neighbour Country or a European RTD Organisation. The applicant must have an e-COST profile.
Applicants are encouraged to apply for one of the proposed topics that are related to the specific objectives of the Working Group (WG).
WG | Title | Leader |
1 | Inventorying cause of death sources and research questions | Dr Elena Crinela HOLOM |
2 | Methods and tools for standardisation, coding and classifying causes of death | Prof Alice REID |
3 | Creation analytical tools: computational and visualisation tools | Dr Kaspar STAUB |
4 | Coordination of training program and STSMs for YRIs | Dr Vera SLOVAKOVA |
5 | Communication & Dissemination | Mr Edward MORGAN |
How to apply
The topics and places of STSMs for the current grant period (GP) are available in the STSM REGISTER. Only one topic application is allowed per member at one time. This call will stay CONTINUOUSLY OPEN and selection of candidates will follow the method ''first-in-first-evaluated'', until the end of the allocated budget or grant period.
We are also keeping continuously open the expressions of interest to host Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM). Please fill the STSM Application to host and send it to the related WG leader who will forward it to STSM coordinator.
Applications are submitted online in e-COST platform using dedicated forms available after registration at: https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants
- All applicants must carefully read the funding rules detailed in the Annex 2 of the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
- For guidance on the e-COST tool, applicants can consult the Grants User Guide (see Documents & Guidelines).
- All applicants must have an e-COST profile with bank account information and an updated CV.
- STSM applications must be made through the above link by logging into e-COST and clicking on the Grant Applications tab.
- All applicants must obtain a letter of invitation from the host institution confirming that they can undertake the STSM on the given dates prior to submitting an application.
- All applicants must complete and submit their STSM application on the e-COST-system using dedicated forms available.
To be filled in e-COST:
- Title
- Start and end date (within the active Grant Period)
- Budget requested by the applicant
- Information about the host institution and contact person
To be uploaded in e-COST:
- Application form (template available on e-COST) describing: Goals; Description of the work to be carried out by the Applicant; Plan for participation; Expected outcomes; and Description of the contribution to the GREAT LEAP Cost Action MoU objectives (available in the Action documents here);
- Confirmation of the host on the agreement from the host institution in receiving the applicant.
A STSM Grant Application Form is available at:
Priority criteria for selection
Applications will be assessed by the Assessment Committee, consisting of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Grant Awarding Coordinator, and the WG Leaders.
The criteria for selection and preferences of candidates are as follows:
- Excellence of the application promoting the direct contribution to the Great leap WGs assessed by the Assessment Committee
- Relevance of the Applicant's research area to STSM topic
- Active contribution of the Applicant in the COST working groups assessed by the WG leader
- 1st-time participant in Great Leap Cost STSM and/or other networking tools
- COST Excellence and Inclusiveness Policy:
- ITC, NNC, and IPC members
- Young Researcher (< 40 years)
- Early-stage Researcher (< 4 years of research career)
- Gender balance
- Geographical diversity (host and/or applicant)
The requested budget must be compatible with the activities and the time frame proposed by the applicant to be developed during the STSM.
The applicant will receive an official confirmation of the STSM with a link to the official grant letter.
Financial support - reimbursement
- STSM grants contribute to travel, accommodation, subsistence expenses and project implementation. They do not necessarily cover all the expenses.
- According to the MC decision, the maximum amount for a STSM grant is 2500 euros for between 1-3 months, a typical STSM duration. The amounts may change after taking into consideration the specific conditions of the applicant and the available budget for the Action.
After the STSM
Reporting and claim for payment of the grant:
- Payment will be completed when a short scientific report is approved.
- The required report for claiming the grant of a STSM and planned future follow up activities.
- Once the activity has ended, the grantee has to submit the required reports and relevant documentation in e-COST within 30 days after the end date of the activity or 15 days after the end of the Grant Period, whichever comes first.
- Reports need to be approved by the GREAT LEAP Assessment Committee.
- Payment of the grant has to be claimed via e-COST.
- Failure to submit the scientific report within the requested period will effectively cancel the grant.
- The final report will be uploaded to the COST applications webpage. A scientific report template is available on the Documents & Guidelines page or through the following links:
STSM outputs
The list of achieved deliverables and a short presentation report of the STSM will be placed on the CA website and on-line newsletter.
For more general information on STSM please contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator: Dr. Tim Riswick, Radboud University, tim.riswick@ru.nl