Virtual Lecture Series ‘Introduction in Inequality in health’ modules on databases and analysis
February- October 2025
Masterclass Inequalities in health at Young Demographers Conference
5-7 February 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Training Workshop as side-meeting the days before the ESSHC Conference
24-25 March 2025
Leiden, the Netherlands
WG1/3 Workshop ‘Automatic Transcription of Cause of Death Sources’
26-30 May 2025
Guimarães, Portugal
Co-organised Thematic Workshop IUSSP Workshop ‘New ways of transcribing, visualising, publishing, and providing access to data on epidemics and contagious diseases’
18 June 2025
Zurich, Switzerland
WG3 Workshop and hackathon ‘Analysing historical mortality and cause of death data’
19-20 June 2025
Zurich, Switzerland
WG 2 Combined Meeting and Training School
– Training School on coding and classifying COD using ICD10h
– Meetings subgroups of WG2
7-11 July 2025
Cambridge, United Kingdom
WG 4 Summer Training School ‘Data visualisation for articles and presentations’
25-29 August 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Co-organised Thematic Workshop How did we lift the burden? Infectious Disease Mortality in the Western and Non-Western World (1800-now)
28-29 August 2025
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
WG 1 Workshop on Individual Level Causes of Death Sources and Databases as a side-meeting the day before the ESHD Conference
9 September 2025
Bologna, Italy
MC Meeting
10 September 2025
Bologna, Italy
Co-organised Thematic Workshop ‘Inequality in Myeloproliferative Diseases and Acute Leukaemia Mortality and Surveillance: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives’
3-5 October 2025
Yerevan, Armenia