Call for proposals Thematic Workshop: ‘Funding Oppertunities for Studying Inequality in Health’

We are excited to announce the Thematic Workshop: ‘Funding Oppertunities for Studying Inequality in Health’. This will be a dedicated workshop in which participants can brainstorm about funding opportunities tailored for our network. It will be a first opportunity to explore potential grants, create application timelines, and collaborate on ongoing proposal initiatives.
This workshop is in person only, but in 2025 we will also organize a virtual workshop. Please note that limited places are available.
Workshop Details:
  • Dates: 28-30 October 2024 (9:00-12:00)
Application procure
To apply, please fill out the registration form by answering a few key questions about your research idea, the grant you wish to pursue, and the specific support you need from GREATLEAP. The deadline to submit your completed registration form is 12 September 2024. Please note that spaces are limited. We expect to let you know on September 13th if you are accepted to come to the workshop. If selected, you will receive information on preparing for the workshop and any additional requirements.
Registration form:
For the ones whose proposal is accepted, we can offer to fully pay your travel (but please choose the least expensive travel available that fits your travel plans) and offer a daily allowance of a maximum of 200 euro each day. In total this daily allowance would therefore be between 390-830 euro depending on your travel dates/times. You have to arrange your own travel and accommodation (although the latter can be arranged through registering with the AISoLA Conference for our side-meeting. The fee of 150 euro will directly be covered by GREATLEAP.
AISoLA Conference: Call for Contributions to the Digital Humanities Track
This workshop will take place as a side-meeting of the AISoLA Conference, offering an excellent opportunity for us to connect our work with broader academic discussions. We also encourage participants to contribute to the Digital Humanities track of the conference, which holds its sessions in the afternoons. Your presentations can be included in the post-conference proceedings, providing added visibility for our collective work. See here for more information:
For any questions regarding the application process, please contact

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