Virtual Mentoring Event

The first virtual event for future mentors and mentees of the COST Action Great Leap will take place on Monday 26 August 2024 at 15:00 CET. The goal is to give both...

Online Lecture 2: Understanding inequalities in health

Lecturer: Prof. Jonas Minet Kinge, University of Oslo Content of the lecture/ workshop: This lecture combines theoretical content with active learning to help students understand inequalities in health in a global...

Online Lecture 1: The epidemiological transition (rescheduled)

Lecturer: Prof. Isabelle Devos, Ghent University Content of the lecture/ workshop: This lecture combines theoretical content with active learning to help students understand the epidemiological transition theory in a global...

Online Lecture 3: Life course determinants of mortality


Lecturer: Prof. Tommy Bengtsson, Lund University Content of the lecture/ workshop: The lecture starts with an overview of the long-term mortality decline contrasting underlying period and cohort factors. It reviews the studies...

Online Lecture 5: Medical perspectives

Lecturer: Prof. Oonagh Walsh, Glasgow Caledonian University (ZOOM) Content of the lecture/ workshop: This lecture uses a history of Irish mental health to help students understand the impact that chronic mental...

Online Lecture 6: Public Health


Lecturer: Prof. Ivan Miškulin, University of Osijek, Faculty of Medicine Content of the lecture: This lecture aims to clarify and illuminate the field of Public Health. Many people are still...

Young Demographers Conference & Masterclasses on Inequality in Health

Charles University Albertov 6, Prague, Czech Republic

The annual international Conference of Young Demographers is held at the Faculty of Science, Charles University traditionally in the first half of February. We welcome submissions from all fields of demography, as well as...

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