

Grants and programs

Call for ITC Conference grants

The main aim and objective of the COST Action CA21149 GREATLEAP ”The Great Leap. Multidisciplinary approaches to health inequalities, 1800-2022” is to establish a multidisciplinary approach from a historical perspective to gain a greater understanding of the roots and drivers of health inequalities across regions and countries in Europe and beyond.

Call for short-term scientific missions

The STSM in The Great Leap Cost Action CA22116 intends to contribute to the scientific objectives and deliverables of the COST action while providing mission participants with the new opportunity to establish long-term collaborations with an international team and gain new knowledge or access to equipment or techniques not available in the home institution/organisation.

Mentoring programme

The mentoring system within this COST action connects young researchers and senior scholars from different countries. Every young researcher will have an international mentor who gives advice on research and future career. At the same time, these mentors can also learn from the mentees. Moreover, young scholars are encouraged to take part in short-term scientific missions (STSM), training schools and seminars organised within this COST action. Scholars interested in the topics related to this COST action are encouraged to participate, even if they are not (yet) members of the action. 

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